Your Windows Firewall Service (MpsSvc) will not start. You get a message about a dependency service not starting. Check to see if it is the Base Filtering Engine (BFE). If it is, this is a two-part fix.
If so, you will notice when you try to start that it also needs a dependency service, the Windows Firewall. If you check Event Viewer, you will see the cause is Access Denied.
How to fix the BFE Access Denied issue. You have a permissions issue.
You can now start the service.
However, your Windows Firewall Service is still not starting and in Event Viewer, it also has a Denied Access message. You have another permissions issue you need to fix.
How to fix the Windows Firewall Service Access Denied issue.
Your Windows Firewall Service will now start.
Now, if you're like me and you don't want to personal firewall service running, you cannot just disable it like you did in Windows XP. In Windows 7 and beyond, the Windows Firewall Service must be running. It's easy enough to turn off the private and public firewall services either with the GUI or at the command-line.
c:\>netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
To verify:
c:\>netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
If your domain profile firewall is still on, it is because it is set in group policy and will need to be turned off there.